Monday, January 17, 2011

458 Italia - Enough said.

Yes... What you just thought is right. It is completely breathtaking. The shape of the car is pure art. Who ever said that Ferrari is stupid is completely wrong. They have been the daddy of super-cars forever and now it looks as if they want to brawl with those people that called them stupid. I mean just look at those head-lights, they really do turn underwear brown.

Ferrari say that this is a whole new car, from whatever view point you want to go into. With its new F1 technology it is said that it is a "massive leap forward from the company’s previous mid-rear engined sports cars". Ferrari have so much confidence in this car that they named it after their homeland, Italy. It's a true metaphor for Italy.

This car is faster then the F430, better fuel consumption and even better handling then the F430. Now we did say in CAR talk that the F430 is the best driving machine of all time. If we had to look at this and go back, we might be wrong about that. The best driving machine might just be the 458 Italia... Hmm.

Once again Michael Schumacher is involved with the 458 Italia. Now like Michael, lets look at figures.

Engine - V8
Power - 425kW - 540Nm
Speed - 325km/h

It has a F1 double clutch 7-speed gearbox. Forged wheels and only the best materials. The car only weighs as much as a hair. Put all this together and the result is, 0-100km/h in 3.4s. You have this on the road and nothing and I mean nothing will catch you.

If you really want to know about this car then just look at the three exhausts.

See, three noise makers!
It is unbelievable! Thank you Ferrari.


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